Did you know that Albert Einstein is thought to have conceived the theory of relativity while he was out riding his bicycle?Take a Break During the Day to Increase Productivity in Fresno

John Trougakos, assistant professor of management at the University of Toronto, is one of many experts who contend that workers need to reenergize by taking regular breaks from mental tasks. Mental concentration, Trougakos notes, is similar to muscle in that it becomes fatigued after long periods of sustained use.

Why We Need Breaks
It’s important to detach from your work in order to recharge your internal resources. Recent studies show that taking breaks helps increase overall productivity and mental acuity, reduce fatigue levels, and boost alertness.

Making it Happen
As the statistics indicate, it’s easier said than done for most people to take breaks from the pressure of their work. But there are ways to make taking a breather part of your daily routine.

You don’t need to plan for what to do during your down time. After all, that’s the whole point of taking a break. But it’s interesting to note that:

When it comes to productivity and concentration, everyone has a different capacity. But in general, taking a break is a boost for health, morale, energy and productivity.

Contact the team at PrideStaff Fresno for additional resources to help you and your employees optimize performance and ultimately, business results.

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