Onboarding is the process by which new employees acclimate to the social and performance aspect of their jobs. Research shows that new hires get about 90 days to prove themselves, so effective onboarding is critical. The faster newcomers feel welcome and prepared, the sooner they are able to contribute to the successful execution of your company mission.

Goals of Effective Onboarding

Onboarding educates new employees on their place within the larger organizational culture. In one recent survey, 86 percent of respondents felt that a new hire’s decision to stay at a company long term was made within the first six months.

The goals of effective onboarding include:

Best Practices

The cost to replace an employee is estimated at 30 percent to 50 percent of a person’s annual salary for entry-level talent and as high as 150 percent t0 400 percent of annual earnings for senior and C-suite personnel. The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) has reported that half of all hourly workers in the U.S. leave their jobs during the first four months and an equal percentage of senior hires fail within 18 months. Use best practices to avoid being part of these statistics.

Consider partnering with the recruitment experts at PrideStaff Fresno as you develop your industry-leading onboarding program. Contact us today to learn how we can bolster your ongoing hiring and talent management success.

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