There are 80 million millennials in the U.S. workforce –and they will represent 75 percent of all workers nationwide by 2025. They are members of the last generation born in the 20th century – and they are the future. So as an employer, you need to understand their motivators, leverage their strengths, and help them develop to their full potential.

What Makes Millennials Tick

Before you can determine ways to engage millennials, you need to know what motivates them. Millennials want:

Be a Life Coach

The average millennial spends less than three years at a job. This may stop you in your tracks – until you realize that employees at any age today spend an average of only about four years in one position. Many defining traits of millennials, as well as steps you need to take to retain them, also apply to your best employees of any generation. Technology continues to evolve at breakneck pace and the global economy has undergone changes of historic proportion – for everyone.

As an HR professional, think of yourself as a life coach, especially as you transition more millennials into your workforce population.

As you embrace the workplace of tomorrow and adjust your talent management strategy accordingly, call upon the hiring and workforce development experts at PrideStaff Fresno to help you succeed. Read our related posts or contact us today to learn more.

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