
Building a Successful Culture: It’s Not Just for Millennials!

The global workforce has been inundated with millennials; the generation of workers born between 1980 and 2000. But as you build your successful corporate culture, for the first time in history, you need to stretch your planning to incorporate up to four generations of employees. Consider:

Veterans who were born between 1922 and 1945.

As more and more people continue working beyond traditional retirement age, they remain a force be reckoned with.

Baby boomers

born between 1946 and 1964.

Generation X workers

born between 1965 and 1980.

The emerging members of Generation Y, who follow millennials.

Born at (or since) the turn of the 21st century, they are on the cusp of their careers, so your future planning picture needs to include them, as well.

Generational differences in the workplace can affect everything from recruiting, team building and dealing with change to motivating, managing, and maintaining high productivity. What’s the key to balancing age gaps of up to 50 years between your oldest and youngest team members?

What Generation Gap?

The lines between generations in your workplace may not be as divisive as you fear. The key is ensuring that everyone understands their respective role in making your company – and their careers – a success.

As noted by author Erica Dhawan, you need to build a “corporate community” that inspires and engages. That means “not just courting millennials, but also integrating their skills to rejuvenate the entire workforce.”

In other words, adjust your culture to meet the wants and needs of your age-diverse team. Recent IBM research is encouraging. It shows that millennials actually have many of the same desires as previous generations, including job security and stability. They are not, in fact, more likely than others to jump ship when they first hear of a new opportunity. And they place a high value on collaboration.

Build Intergenerational Relationships

An excellent way to foster cross-generational relationships is to promote mentorships, which incorporate sharing, collaboration and open communication among generations. Mentoring allows veteran employees to help younger workers understand their roles and their places within your culture. It also helps older workers to learn new things, especially around emerging technology.

  • Break down walls.

    Help everyone to better understand each other. From there, you can build a culture that supports and appeals to a wide range of current and prospective employees.

  • Companies that proactively address multigenerational issues reap myriad benefits.

    Competitiveness improves as education about generational issues reduces age discrimination and alleviates organization “brain drain” that can occur when older employees leave the workplace. Recruitment is more effective, as messages are targeted to each generation.

  • Engagement, morale and ultimately retention are enhanced via leaders who know how to motivate employees across all age spans.

Does your HR team need additional resources for culture building and related human capital challenges? Let the PrideStaff Fresno team help develop a customized plan for your company, to meet your short and long-term needs, and maintain your competitive edge. Read our related posts or contact us today to learn more.
