
Why You Should Consider Taking a Temporary Position in the New Year

Temporary jobs can produce excellent long-term results for your career, your pocketbook and your brand. Since the most recent global recession ended in 2009, temporary positions have accounted for about 19 percent of the American workforce, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Temporary employees are the solution for overflow or seasonal work, and for periods when companies are transitioning in ways that require specialized skills.

What’s In It for You?

In addition to assisting employers, temping can be the right solution for job hunters as they seek to take a step towards permanent employment. Or you may simply enjoy the flexibility and variety of working in temporary roles. The benefits include:

  • Avoiding resume gaps and earning money while searching for a permanent position. A temporary job eases your financial burden, lowers your stress level, bridges resume gaps, and allows you to focus on presenting your best self to potential permanent employers.
  • Sharpening your professional skills. You can showcase your career commitment and hone your skills. You can even learn some brand new skills in your temporary role. These are major selling points when job hunting.
  • Networking and demonstrating your value to prospective employers. The connections you make at your temporary position are valuable additions to your professional network. By building strong relationships, you enhance your chances of landing your ideal long-term job.
  • Taking the first step toward permanent employment. Temporary jobs aren’t always temporary. Research indicates that an increasing percentage of them are contact in nature, and often, they are a foot in the door for a permanent role. Plus, they are a chance for you to test drive a company to see if it is the right fit for you.
  • Enjoying the flexibility. For many, temporary jobs are the best of both worlds. You can accept assignments that fit your personal lifestyle. For instance, parents with child care responsibilities can work around them, as can students and others for whom temping helps strike the right work-life balance.

Are you looking for a temporary job in 2017? Whether or not it’s a stepping stone to a permanent opportunity, the PrideStaff Fresno team can help you find the right fit. Read our related posts or contact us today to learn more.
