
Why Managers Should Have One-on-One Meetings with their Employees

During the course of an average workday, chances are you talk with your employees numerous times about whatever they’re working on – answering their questions, providing direction, and brainstorming with them to share ideas and solve problems. Why then should you also hold regular one-on-one meetings with each of them? Why take away even more time from both of your already full schedules?

One-on-one meetings actually save everyone time in the long run. Think of them as an investment in the future success of your company. They pay off as they help you keep people motivated and moving in the right direction. Consider the following benefits of one-on-one meetings.:

Creating a Productive Routine

Face-to-face meetings are a forum to better manage work, as well as develop your employees so they can grow in their careers. They establish a routine for discussing work progress and addressing any barriers to achieving results. Rather than having such conversations on the fly, regular meetings increase efficiency, accountability, and development.

Building Stronger Relationships

In order to lead effectively, you need to understand the unique personalities and needs of each individual employee. What are their priorities and top interests? What projects do they enjoy working on the most? Where do their passions lie?

  • Talking with employees beyond the immediate job at hand is a critical aspect of building a better relationship with them. Gaining insight into a person’s perspective on their work, along with their personal motivators, is invaluable in leading and retaining good talent.

Giving People a Chance to Speak Candidly

Without a regular time to speak with you privately, your employees may be frustrated, as they have confidential things they need to share with you, but they can’t find the right opportunity. In a one-on-one meeting, this obstacle is eliminated. They can share whatever is necessary, and you can ask them what’s on their minds. In both cases, you’re more likely to get an honest, complete, and candid response.

Tips for Holding One-on-One Meetings

As you organize one-on-one employee meetings, you may wonder how often these sessions should take place and what your agenda should be.

  • The frequency of your meetings depends on the specific needs of the job, the current workload, and, last but not least, the person. Some positions require more frequent contact, and some employees require more guidance. You and your employee should decide together how often the two of you need to meet.
  • In addition to project updates, next steps, and any pressing concerns, leave ample time for open conversation. Remember, it’s as much about building rapport as it is about work progress – and of course, the two go hand in hand. Ask your team member about their family, their vacation, and their hobbies and interests. Numerous studies have shown employees want leaders who care about them as people, not just cogs in a corporate wheel. Even if this feels awkward at first, it will become comfortable, as well as increase your effectiveness as a leader.

Do you need additional leadership development tips for your company and team? If so, contact the PrideStaff team today. We can customize a plan to address your staffing and talent management challenges now and well into the future.
