Following up with a company after you apply for a position is a critical step in your job search strategy. It demonstrates your level of interest and separates yours from other resumes still to be reviewed. It also shows that you understand the importance of timely follow-through.
But you don’t want to come off as pushy, needy or desperate. The key is to be professional and respectfully assertive – and to do so in a timely fashion.
Know What to Say – and When
As you prepare to follow-up with an employer, perfect what you want to say ahead of time. Don’t just bluntly ask whether they received your resume. Reiterate your enthusiasm for the position while showing why you’re a good fit for it. Mention your specific skills and experience that will bring value to the company.
· Keep the focus on the employer and how they will benefit by hiring you. Demonstrate how you can help the company succeed, focusing on their specific needs at this time.
Exactly when to follow up depends on a few different factors – but approximately two weeks after you submit your resume is a good general rule of thumb.
· Watch the close date. Don’t follow up before a job posting has closed. Wait a week after the deadline to give the company a chance to sort through resumes and schedule interviews.
· Avoid coming on too strong when you write or call. For instance, don’t ask why you haven’t been contacted yet. Keep your tone light and friendly. If you can, slip in a few questions and turn it into a productive conversation. This is another opportunity to make a good impression and get remembered.
Writing an Email
If you send a follow-up email, begin by putting the title of the position you applied for and your name in the subject line. Write a polite salutation, using the hiring manager’s name. Also include:
· The date you submitted your resume.
· A restatement of your interest and suitability for the role.
· One or more questions: Is any further information needed? Is it okay to follow up again in another week if you still haven’t heard anything? What’s the time frame for the hiring process?
Keep it concise and to the point. Conclude by thanking the company for considering your application.
Making a Phone Call
If you prefer to make a follow-up phone call, plan to do it early or late in the day when people are more likely to be available. Try calling once or twice before leaving a brief message. Whether you reach the hiring manager or leave a message, the content can be much the same as what you would write in an email.
“No Calls” Means “No Calls”
A final word to the wise: If a job listing states “no calls,” then don’t call. Period. By the same token, if any employer advises you to stop calling or emailing, listen. Otherwise, as stated by one hiring manager, “I will make your resume go away.”
For assistance with preparing and submitting your resume, as well as following up and moving successfully through all the steps in your job search process, consider working with a professional career coach from PrideStaff Fresno. Read our related posts or contact us today to learn more.