Venting at work is virtually inevitable, due to the pressures that invariably arise from time to time. In fact, it can be a good way to blow off steam and bring those volatile emotions under control. Just be sure that when you do vent, it’s for a good reason and that you make it productive – yes, productive – as well as stress-relieving.
Minimize the impact.
When it comes to venting, pick your battles. If you do it too often, it can become annoying and disruptive, or your colleagues will roll their eyes and automatically think you’re just crying wolf again.
- Choose the right place to vent. For starters, you probably want to avoid doing it in the middle of a crowded work area. You might want to make a pact with a trusted coworker that when one of you needs to vent, you’ll walk calmly into the other person’s office, close the door, and then let it all out. This not only ensures that no one will overhear, but it also may make you think twice about whether you need to do it at all.
Write it down.
Writing down what’s frustrating you can help clear the overwhelming amount of information spinning out of control in your head. It better enables you to reflect on what’s really going on – even if you tear up the pages afterward.
- After you write them down, often, your stressors feel much less significant and more manageable. Whether it’s that early-morning production meeting, your office mate who’s constantly whining, or the presentation next week that you’re dreading, you may realize it’s not as big a deal as you’ve mentally blown it up to be.
Balance the negative with the positive.
This can go hand in hand with jotting down the details of your stressors, as writing may spark an idea or two for how to make improvements – like stopping for coffee and bagels to take to that heinous meeting.
- When you vent, do so with problem-solving in mind. Try to keep your negativity in check by noticing – and/or writing and/or verbalizing – the positive aspects of a situation. Spend an equal amount of time and energy coming up with solutions. Both you and your listener will feel better, and your team, department, and the company may also benefit as a result.
Relieving job search or work-related stress and growing as a professional takes dedication and hard work. An experienced career coach from PrideStaff can be your best resource as you find your next dream job or excel within your current organization. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help make your career plans a reality.