
Learn More About the Most Important Parts of a Resume

What information to include on your resume depends on the job you’re competing for. The most important factor to consider is relevance. As a starting point, study the job description and think about specifically what the employer is seeking. Prepare to tell a compelling story about the unique value you would bring to the role.

What to Focus On

Include your name and contact information at the top of your resume. You may or may not want to follow this with a brief headline and/or summary.

    Your contact information should include your phone number, a professional sounding email address, and a URL for your LinkedIn profile. If it’s relevant, also have a link to your website or portfolio.

    If you opt for a headline or summary, keep the information concise. Use this to introduce yourself and highlight your professional accomplishments. Emphasize traits that you want a recruiter to read about first.

The following aspects of your resume are key:

    Experience: Labeling it as Professional Experience or Work Experience, list any jobs, freelance work, or internships you’ve had that are directly related to the position. If you’re using a chronological format, start with the most recent and work back from there.

    Education: Include an entry for each school you graduated from or are currently attending. List the name of the institution and the degree you earned, as well as your major. If you’re a recent grad and it reflects well on you, include your G.P.A., minor, academic concentration, or Dean’s List and other honors.

    Skills: Depending on the industry and your format, this may come before or after your Experience section. Emphasize any skills you have that are also mentioned in the job description. If there are a lot, you may want to divide them into categories, i.e., “design skills, programming skills,” etc.

    Licenses and Certifications: This information is important for certain professions, such as nursing, accounting, or teaching. This can be a separate or part of the Education section of your resume. Include the full name of a license or certification, the body that issued it, and the date you earned or plan to earn it.

    Volunteer work: If your volunteer experience helps position you as a strong candidate, include it. In addition to highlighting any relevant skills you learned or improved, it can be a great way to showcases causes you’re passionate about. Format your volunteer experience in the same way as your past jobs.

What You Don’t Need to Include

You may be considering a photo of yourself on your resume. Don’t go there. This could land your resume in the automatic rejection pile because of the potential to create hiring bias.

It’s also not necessary to list references, or even the fact that they’re available upon request. If employers want them, they will ask. Just have references ready in the event they’re needed.

To best tailor your resume to a job that interests you, it helps to work with a leading professional in the recruitment business. In addition to fine-tuning your resume, the PrideStaff Fresno team can help throughout your successful job search process in areas including customer service, administration, IT, accounting and finance, healthcare, and production. Contact us today to learn more.
