Often, one of the first steps in a company’s hiring process is a phone interview with candidates who have piqued their interest via their resumes and cover letters. This is generally a very high-level evaluation as recruiters screen for risks, try to validate your qualifications, and see if you’d be a good overall fit for their organization. But, don’t take your upcoming phone interview lightly. After all, your responses will determine whether you make it to the next round.
Here are some common phone interview questions, with tips to prepare for them:
How did you find out about this job?
There are two reasons interviewers ask this question:
1. They are genuinely curious. Your response can be helpful to them as they refine their recruiting process, and
2. They want to understand why you applied.
Keep your answer short and straightforward. Just say where you found the job, i.e., on a job board, on LinkedIn, or through a contact, and briefly describe the reason for your interest.
Tell us a little about yourself.
Your response to this question helps people interviewing you – including those who may not have a background in your specific field – gain context and connect the dots between your resume, you, and the position.
What do you already know about our company?
With this question, a hiring team wants to know if you’ve done your homework when it comes to researching their organization. The right candidates will be passionate about a company and what it stands for.
What are your salary requirements?
This is not meant to be a stickler or a trick question. It’s certainly not a topic you should bring up. But often, recruiters are given a salary range for a position, so rather than go through an entire interview only to get stuck at that point, they ask about money upfront.
At PrideStaff Fresno, we work with some of the most well-respected employers in the area, along with new and upcoming businesses – matching them with the right skilled professionals. We can help you find a truly rewarding career opportunity and walk you through interviewing and all the other steps to get you there. Read our related posts or contact us today to learn more.