Organizational skills allow you to work efficiently, meet deadlines, and last but not least, maintain peace of mind and a better work/life balance.
Being organized helps you:
- Set up your physical spaces for success and manage, plan, and prioritize everything you have to do.
- Use your time, resources, and energy more effectively to achieve your goals and get your work done with a minimum of stress.
In a nutshell, well-honed organizational skills help you be the best you can be at your job – and in turn, are a plus for improving everything else in life.
Physical Organization
An organized physical workspace (hint: this works just as well in your garage or kitchen as your office) can improve your mindset by eliminating stress and wasted time looking for things you need.
- An organized space makes for a calmer, more serene ambiance. Begin by decluttering. Decide which items you need, and file or ditch the rest. For those you keep, designate a “home” for each one, so you know exactly where to find it. Schedule a few minutes to straighten up anything that fell out of order at the end of each day.
Digital Organization
You can be much more efficient if you’re not spending valuable time trying to track down files or emails. Digital organization can include both your:
- Individual computer usage: for instance, properly labeling and storing files and arranging frequently-used apps front and center.
- Shared resources: examples include using project management tools and creating master documents for team members’ reference.
To achieve digital organization, decide how many things will be saved, and where. This may include a Google Sheet in a shared team folder or, for your inbox, labels, folders, and filters to sort messages.
- Set aside a few minutes a week to back up important files and relabel or refile if needed.
Time Management
Proper time management enables you to deliver on projects and tasks that have the most impact. Key areas to focus on are:
- Prioritizing: Start by writing a to-do list based on all your deadlines and expectations. Which are the most important and timely?
- Scheduling: Once you’ve prioritized that to-do list, create a schedule for each day, outlining when you’ll work on each item. Set realistic blocks of time on your calendar, leaving some wiggle room for unexpected occurrences and interruptions.
Strong communication skills are a way to ensure that everything stays organized. They help others understand and follow your plans and help you figure out what exactly is expected of you as you organize your work.
- Strengthen your active listening skills. Listen to understand, not to react or respond (at least not until the time is right). Try summarizing the other person’s point of view to make sure you understood them correctly, asking for examples, or using clarifying, open-ended questions, before offering a response. The more information you can collect, the better position you’ll be in organizing yourself and offering solutions.
Do you need more help polishing up your organizational skills – or with other career development tips? Contact the PrideStaff team of experts today. Whether it’s becoming better in your current role or taking things to the next level, we have the strategies and solutions for you.