
Important Tips for How to Calm Your Nerves Before an Interview

It’s natural to feel anxious before a job interview. A certain amount of adrenaline and a high energy level can actually work in your favor. But if your nerves are starting to take over badly, you need to rein them in and find calm and confident, so you can bring your A-game when it’s “go” time.

You’ve already done your research, practiced possible questions and answers – and made it this far. In the 11th hour before your scheduled interview, use these tips to stay on an even keel and bring your best self to the table:

Go for a walk.

Take a brief walk before your interview – preferably outside in the fresh air – even if it’s just for five minutes. If you’re preparing for a phone conversation, you can even take a run if that works for you. If your interview is via video or in person, you can still ease your nerves with a walk before you enter the building or sit down to log in. Allow yourself a minute or two to catch your breath, of course.

Slow down and STOP.

The STOP method’s purpose is to slow down before an important occurrence and be deliberate, not just in what you will do, but also regarding any feelings that may risk taking over and causing you stress. It reminds you that you have the power to banish your own fears and doubts.

STOP stands for:

  • Stop whatever you’re doing and focus on your thoughts.
  • Take a few deep breaths.
  • Observe what’s going on with your body, mind, and emotions and consider why you’re feeling the way you do, and then
  • Proceed with an intention to incorporate what you’ve observed into your next actions and behavior.

Make a cheat sheet.

Jot down all the key points and necessary information about your interview, such as the hiring manager’s name, the time and exactly where you need to be, and the questions you’ve prepared in advance. Read it over right before you go in to fire up your confidence level further.

Phone a friend.

Try giving yourself a last-minute pep talk, but if you need more, make a quick call to a trusted friend or family member whom you know will be positive, caring, and uplifting. It could be just the shot in the arm you need – and you can reciprocate and help them someday.

Think of something fun to do afterward.

Give yourself something to look forward to after your interview, such as a shopping spree, a massage, drinks, and dinner with that trusted friend, or even curling up on the couch with your dog and spending the evening binge-watching your favorite TV shows. You likely won’t obsess about your jitters with something fun to look forward to.


Whether it’s interview prep, crafting your resume, networking, or any aspect of your job search, the PrideStaff team can walk you through it and help ensure success. Our best-in-class approach has done just that for thousands of job seekers. Contact us today to learn more.

