Numerous factors contribute to stress – or not being stressed – at work, as well as to your overall success in your job. It may not be Number One on that list, but the way you set up your workspace and keep it organized can make a difference in how well each of your workdays goes.
Here are some tips to get you started:
Get rid of anything you don’t need.
The simple act of giving or throwing away any items you don’t need will immediately make you feel calmer and more organized. Maybe someone else can use your extra scissors or stapler. You’re helping them, you’re helping you, you’re saving money, and you’re doing something good for the environment. Bingo! Great start!
Yup. Clear it all off and don’t forget all those lessons learned during the pandemic. Enough said.
Stick with that minimalist mindset.
Now that you’re looking at a clean, empty space – right?!?! – marvel at how awesome it is. Of course, you have to put back all the stuff you need to do your job. But with a few exceptions, that’s all you need. Repeat this mantra to yourself: That’s all I need.
Make it yours.
Here’s where those exceptions to absolute minimalism come into play. A few thoughtfully chosen items will make your workspace calming and make you feel better and more productive. Your favorite plant, pictures of your family, and like that. Just looking at them can help you keep everything in perspective.
Folders are your friend.
Invest in folders to store all the loose papers related to whatever projects you’re working on. If it’s not important enough to go in a folder, throw it away.
Minimalist also applies to office supplies.
Who doesn’t love a trip to the local office supply store? But curb your enthusiasm. Save both your wallet and your workspace from something you may regret by limiting the number of supplies you have on hand to a minimum. Come on. You don’t really use those multi-sized clips, rubber bands and tip erasers anyway, right?
Get a junk jar.
Okay, so you can’t lose absolutely every single supply or miscellaneous item. Grab a simple jar – preferable transparent – and stick in in the far corner. Even if you never go through it again, everything will still look neater.
Reorganize at the end of the day.
Before you head home, throw away any trash, stick those papers in the right folder, and put everything else back in its place. If you do it regularly, it won’t take more than a few minutes, and you’ll feel so much better in the morning!
The career development experts at PrideStaff Fresno can help you set not only your workspace and current goals, but also your long-term professional strategy, on the path to success. We’ve done just that for thousands of people just like you in areas including accounting, finance, healthcare, IT, sales, marketing, the skilled trades, and more. Reach out to us today for more information.