Being aware of advertised openings is always important to your successful job search, but often, the real power lies in the hidden job market – those opportunities that are not publicly advertised or promoted.
Employers typically opt to keep such vacancies discreet because it’s more cost effective, the positions are of a sensitive nature, or they value the referrals of their current employees and other company stakeholders, hoping to find their hires with this approach before going public.
How to Tap into the Hidden Job Market
Okay, so this potentially lucrative job market is hidden. How do you find it?
In a nutshell, it’s about putting yourself out there. Here are some tips to help you think creatively and strategically about your approach:
- Start at your own company. If you’re currently employed, feel out potential opportunities that may be right under your nose. Engage in conversations with colleagues and segue into discussion of your career aspirations. Employers often prefer to promote internally or even create new opportunities for the right people.
- Go back to school. Not literally … but take advantage of your alumni network and connections. There’s a unique bond that stems from having attended the same institution. Be aware of networking opportunities at reunions, workshops, and sports and social events.
- Attend and participate in conferences. Not just at your alma mater, but within your preferred industry. Be an active attendee: presenting is ideal, but you can also join planning committees or make an extra effort to actively engage during breakout sessions, coffee breaks, or post-conference happy hours or dinners.
- Learn to cold pitch. This tactic may naturally make you feel anxious, but taking the initiative to cold pitch employees at companies that interest you shows you’re professional and proactive, traits that employers highly value. An important note: It’s not about spamming a generic message to a long list of people. Research and customize what you say and craft personal notes. For instance, talk about a recent project an employee has been involved in, or a skill or interest that the two of you share.
- Dig into social media. In addition to company platforms, look for opportunities to follow organizational leaders on LinkedIn and elsewhere. Real-time chats on X can also be helpful. And, engage with hiring managers by commenting on their posts and sharing relevant content.
- Subscribe to news alerts. When you’re job searching, as in all aspects of life, knowledge is power. News alerts and company newsletters provide openings to learn more details and stay current on businesses and industries on your career radar. For instance, a company announcing an expansion might signal hiring as it blends new teams or creates new departments.
The right career counselor can also be instrumental in helping you find the right career opportunity – find this expert resource and more – all you need to take your career to the next level – at PrideStaff. Contact us today to hear more.