They may not be with your company forever, but temporary workers are still part of your team. An important part, in fact—as you’ve hired them to step in, often on short notice, to fill critical vacancies, help complete high-priority projects, and/or keep productivity high despite holiday season demands.
Effective onboarding is crucial to any employee’s success. Use these tips to successfully onboard your temporary workers:
Be Prepared for A Temp Worker’s First Day
There are several steps you should take in preparation for a temp’s first day of work.
- Inform supervisors and coworkers that they will be arriving. Share their name and start date.
- Make sure temps have a place to work. Have details like paperwork, parking passes and locker assignments ready for completion.
- On their first day, show temps around your facility—not just their specific work station—to ease their familiarity.
- Introduce them to colleagues and other team members.
Keep Communication Lines Open
Right from the start, establish clear, two-way communication with temporary workers.
• Thoroughly explain company processes, procedures and guidelines. Give them ample time to ask questions, and let them know who they can turn to for this purpose throughout their tenure with you.
• Define goals and expectations. This includes the scope, duration and objective of temps’ assignments. Regularly provide constructive feedback on their performance, achievements, and areas for improvement. Likewise, encourage them to share feedback, concerns and suggestions.
Facilitate Contact with Permanent Staff
Some people assume that temp work doesn’t involve building relationships or collaborating with teammates. Not true! Good culture and relationship-building is always a win-win: good for the people involved, and good for your business.
- Consider pairing temps with a mentor. This can be especially helpful for more introverted individuals.
Be sure to include temps in team meetings, as well as lunch and other work and after-hours activities – especially during the holidays.
Provide Support and Recognition
Acknowledgment and recognition are key motivators for all team members—and often even more so for temporary employees, who may feel less valued than permanent staff.
Celebrate the achievements of temp employees. As you do so, show them how they have contributed to your company’s goals and success. As you would with permanent employees, offer them incentives and rewards that align with their specific interests and preferences.
Support Career Development
Even if they’re on a different career path than most of your permanent employees, support temporary employees and provide guidance to help them achieve their desired career growth.
- Give them opportunities to master new skills or expand their professional knowledge.
- Help them network with other professionals in your industry and community.
By supporting the career development of temporary workers, you can enhance their performance while also boosting your reputation as a highly desirable place to work.
PrideStaff Fresno is ready to provide the candidate search solutions you need for a smooth year-end transition—offering temp-to-hire and direct hire, as well as immediate temporary and contract placement. Contact us today to learn more.