Don’t Make These Mistakes During a Final Interview!

A final job interview is just that: your last chance to impress a hiring manager and/or members of a search committee before they select the candidate they want to hire. The field has been narrowed to its last point: there are only a small number of contenders left, and congratulations because, you’re one of them. […]

Make the Most of Your Lunch Break

Who doesn’t look forward to their lunch break midway through the workday? For starters, if your answer is “What lunch break?” you need to change that up immediately. You’re missing out on an essential time to recharge, revitalize and maintain healthy levels of productivity, focus and overall well-being throughout the day. So, take your lunch […]

Important Tips for How to Calm Your Nerves Before an Interview

It’s natural to feel anxious before a job interview. A certain amount of adrenaline and a high energy level can actually work in your favor. But if your nerves are starting to take over badly, you need to rein them in and find calm and confident, so you can bring your A-game when it’s “go” […]

How to Answer the Most Common Interview Questions

The number and range of questions asked during an interview are limitless. So, how do you begin to know what to expect as you prepare ahead of time? Here’s a look at some of the most common inquiries that come up as hiring managers narrow down their decision – and how to reply: Classic Questions […]

Follow These 5 Tips to Have a Great First Day of Work

Management Tips to Help Your Teams Thrive

As excited as you are and as perfect as your new role may be for you, Day One on a job can be overwhelming or even terrifying at times. It’s a lot like the first day of school: Your pencils are sharpened, you’ve been looking forward to it for weeks, but … yikes! Now that […]

A Guide to Writing a Cover Letter for All Types of Job Seekers

You’ve finished your resume and polished it up, so it looks perfect for that job that’s piqued your interest. Should you add a cover letter, and if so, what should it include? The answer is yes – and when considering its contents, think of your cover letter as an additional opportunity to present yourself as […]

Learn About Employee Advocacy and Why It’s Important

When you buy a product or service, what are the driving factors behind your purchase decision? Ads, coupons, or a company’s Facebook page can all be helpful sources. But, there’s helpful – and there’s influential. More likely than not, you’ll be influenced to finalize your selection by someone you know and trust: perhaps a friend, […]

Learn More About the Most Important Parts of a Resume

What information to include on your resume depends on the job you’re competing for. The most important factor to consider is relevance. As a starting point, study the job description and think about specifically what the employer is seeking. Prepare to tell a compelling story about the unique value you would bring to the role. […]

Look for These 5 Signs You’re Burned Out at Work

Burnout is more than just a bad day – or week, or even month – at work. As defined by the Mayo Clinic, it’s a specific type of job-related stress that results in a state of physical or emotional exhaustion. It also can manifest as a sense of lowered accomplishment or a loss of personal […]

Protect Your Business from the Coronavirus Outbreak

How are you coping with the coronavirus pandemic and its effect on your business? What are you doing to keep yourself and your employees safe? It’s a new world for the time being, and everyone is learning as they go. As you continue to protect your organization, here are some tips and ideas: Implement Your […]