As reported by Gallup, only 13 percent of employees worldwide are engaged at work. And according to a recent State of the American Workplace study, just 33 percent of employed U.S. citizens can say the same.

Those employees who are engaged stand out as they willingly go the extra mile, work with passion, and feel a profound connection to their companies. They are the superstars who will move your business forward.

Listen to your employees.

We learn more when we listen than when we speak.

Give them what they need to succeed.

Don’t just assume every employee has the tools, resources, training and support from management that they need. Check in with the regularly to be sure.

Recognize and reward.

Incentive programs are highly beneficial to motivating employees. A major benefit is they can be based on actual performance and paid out only after a person has reached a desired goal.

Communicate well and often.

One of the most important – if not the singularly most important – part of a manager’s job is communicating effectively. Create a culture of communication in which supervisors and employees share goals and work together to meet them.

The workforce development experts at PrideStaff Modesto can help as you strive to increase employee engagement and build your winning workforce. Read our related posts or contact us today to learn more.

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