June is Workplace Safety Month. Although safety is a number-one priority 365 days a year, it’s a good time for a reminder about the best ways to keep your employees healthy and injury free.
According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), employers pay nearly $1 million each week in workers’ compensation costs. Above and beyond the potentially staggering costs of workplace accidents, safety is a key component to developing a positive company culture. Keeping your employees safe leads to advantages in productivity and loyalty – and people have a right to feel they can arrive home from work as safe and injury-free as when they arrived.
Here are nine tips to help ensure employee safety.
Start With New Hire Orientation
Set the tone to prepare new employees for on-the-job safety. Provide education on safety standards and rules. Consider taking it a step further by offering a work conditioning program.
Offer Best Practices in Safety Training
The more people understand about their equipment and how to use it, and how to care for their physical well-being while at work, the better. Include regular training general safety, as well as such topics as fire drills, chemical spills, theft, self-defense and others relevant to your business.
Keep Your Employees Informed About Safety
For employees to truly understand why safety is so important, give them a good idea of the big picture and what it means to them. This includes all-hands safety meetings, where you engage people and encourage them to ask questions and contribute ideas and suggestions.
Identify Safety Leaders
Spread ownership and awareness of safety by designating departmental safety representatives. They will be your “boots on the ground” for safety improvement throughout your organization.
Have a Well-Functioning Safety Committee
Comprised of safety leaders and representatives from both management and rank-and-file, your safety committee should meet regularly and often to discuss concerns, evaluate incidents, and drive toward a zero-accident culture.
Maintain a Safe Environment
Begin by completing a comprehensive safety risk assessment. Walk around the entire business, making notes of anything that could be dangerous in any way. Then, maintain flawless housekeeping and other necessary measures through regularly scheduled checks.
Pay Attention to Workstations
Workstations that are ergonomically and safety ensured will not only help employees to feel better, but also show you care, which boosts morale and productivity. Do whatever it takes. It could be fatigue mats on the floor, height-appropriate workstations, or the option of standing desks or alternative chairs – for instance, stability balls or “wobble chairs.”
Promote an Active Lifestyle
Regular exercise strengthens muscles, bones, joints and minds. It helps the body become more resilient and less prone to injury. Encourage and engage employees in improving their health via an active lifestyle. Options include providing an on-site fitness center or gym discounts, or launching group walking programs.
Reduce Job-Related Stress
Employees may experience stress – which contributes to numerous health problems – from either work or personal factors. Start or enhance your Employee Assistance Program or take other steps to provide access to qualified stress management resources.
The HR specialists at PrideStaff Fresno can help as you finalize, communicate and enforce safety throughout your company. Contact us today to learn more.