
3 Tips for Handling Frustrated Employees

Even among the happiest, most motivated teams, frustration will inevitably occur from time to time. And if it starts to become common in one or more people, chances are it won’t go away on its own. It may fester and worsen if left unattended.

Frustrated employees rarely do their best work. And, signs of frustration in one individual may point to problems brewing among their peers as well. Be aware of the early signs of this happening, which may include emotional outbursts, apathy, cynicism, and, ultimately, lower productivity. And when the writing is on the wall, here are three tips for effectively correcting it:

  1. Find the root cause of the frustration.

The root cause is the underlying problem that has led to an employee feeling frustrated. For example, is it poor communication? Lack of recognition or opportunities to advance? An ineffective work process? Or, does an individual feel as though they’re not being heard when they make suggestions or present ideas?

  • Keep asking “why” until you’re satisfied that you understand the reason behind the frustration. Only then can you take steps toward a resolution.
  1. Address the issue quickly and directly.

Have a direct, one-on-one conversation with your employee. Approach this discussion in an open-minded, constructive manner.

  • Ask questions to understand the source of their unhappiness further. Let them vent. Empathize and be an active listener. You may hear some uncomfortable truths, but it will be helpful to everyone involved in the long run.
  • Have the meeting sooner rather than later. If you wait too long, you may risk losing a good worker. Even if you can’t resolve the problem right away, you can show your team that you’re aware of it and working on it. But if you procrastinate, you’ll further deflate motivation and could hurt your credibility and reputation.
  1. Honesty is always the best policy.

The worst thing you can do is make a false promise of change, especially if the root cause of a person’s frustration is out of your direct control to solve. If it’s going to take you a while to work through the problem, be open and honest about it.

  • Make a not to follow up periodically as progress unfolds. You should always keep communication lines open, but especially at times like this.

Wrapping your arms around the myriad challenges of talent management is a lot easier when you have a professional staffing partner on your side. Whether it’s hiring for success, developing training and development plans, or dealing with inevitable difficult situations and scenarios, the PrideStaff Fresno team can help. Contact us today so we can tell you more.
