Stop Making Bad Hires! But How?

Take a Break During the Day to Increase Productivity in Fresno

Hire well and you’ll have a high-performing and happy team. Hire just one wrong person – sometimes called a “misfire hire” – and you’ll spend a lot of time, money and energy doing damage control. Have the right process, with the right checks and balances in place. Select wisely to achieve business growth while providing […]

Create a Positive Company Culture

It’s a candidate’s market. Demand for top-performing talent has never been higher. When hiring for long-term loyalty and success, cultural fit is equally, if not more, important than technical skills. This is especially true among millennial employees, who tend to prioritize meaningful work over pay and won’t hesitate to leave if their employer’s values clash […]

Why Change Isn’t Always a Good Thing

Some people thrive on change. Others do all they can to resist it. But like it or not, change within an organization is inevitable – and in your HR leadership role, you will be integrally involved in managing it. Organizational change may have an unsettling impact on employees, whether it involves them directly or indirectly. […]

The Importance of a Great Onboarding Program

Onboarding is the process by which new employees acclimate to the social and performance aspect of their jobs. Research shows that new hires get about 90 days to prove themselves, so effective onboarding is critical. The faster newcomers feel welcome and prepared, the sooner they are able to contribute to the successful execution of your […]

Time to Get Personal: How Opening Up to Employees Establishes Trust

People work harder when they know their boss is trustworthy. Trust is essential to building employee engagement and motivation. And as noted by Jim Dougherty, senior lecturer at MIT’s Sloan School of Management, “managers will never learn the truth about a company unless they have their employees’ trust.” So, how can you build trust as […]

Need a Manager? Why Not to Promote from Within

It’s a dilemma faced by every talent manager at some point: On one hand, you want to keep up with emerging skillsets and hire those who will help your business outperform the competition. On the other hand, you want to make sure your current employees know that growth opportunities are available. How can you do […]

Is the “Perfect Candidate” a Myth?

The cost of hiring the wrong person can be astronomical. But at the same time, perfect candidates are difficult, if not impossible, to find. Recruiters often use the term “purple squirrel” to describe the rare candidate who offers the perfect mix of skills, education, experience, salary requirements and overall fit to meet your requirements. For […]

Should You Send Rejection Letters?

  You’re busy … often, overwhelmingly busy. Taking extra time to write rejection letters to candidates you’re not hiring is probably quite low on your priority list. But, it can mean the difference between a person forming a positive impression of your organization and one whose feelings are hurt – or who may decide to […]

3 Ways to Rein in a Problem Employee

Difficult employees will always be there. Your job as a manager is to determine the best path to ensure that your team is productive, despite this reality. Seek First to Understand If you look beyond the disruptive behavior of problem employees, there is probably much more going on. It’s important to understand these underlying factors […]

It’s Q2: Time to Re-Evaluate!

More than a quarter of 2016 is already in the books, so it’s a great time to take stock of how the year is going from a talent management standpoint. Is it time for some “spring cleaning” when it comes to your plans for the rest of the year? Quarterly goals are important. They tend […]