Ace Your Next Phone Interview

If you land a phone interview, pat yourself on the back and celebrate … and never underestimate the importance of this key step on your career path. It means you’ve survived the first critical cut in the hiring process. As noted by Paul Bailo, author of The Essential Phone Interview Handbook, a phone interview is […]

Staying Motivated During an Extended Job Search

Searching for a job is a job. And if you’re serious about finding a new position, you have to treat it like one. It takes organization, commitment – and a lot of motivation, especially since it comes with some pretty emotional highs and lows. Throughout the process, you need to keep your mood positive and […]

Interviewing Tips to Find the Right Employee in Fresno

Making a good hire depends in large part on having positive interview experiences with your preferred candidates. An interview is the initial personal dialogue where both parties get a sense of whether they’re truly compatible. And yes, first impressions do count! Build Questions around Success Traits A success trait is one of three to five […]

Explaining Employment Gaps on Your Resume

Many of us take time off at some point in our careers. Sometimes it’s by choice – and sometimes not. Children are born, elderly loved ones need care, companies reorganize, economies tank … life happens. And the harsh reality is: When a person has been out of work for more than six months, prospective employers […]

Is it Rude to Wear Headphones in Your Fresno Office?

Headphone sales are on the rise, as the trend toward open office design continues. The jury is still out whether headphones and ear buds at work are beneficial, practical, detrimental to productivity and creativity, or just plain rude. What the Experts Have to Say Recent research has uncovered little proof that listening to music improves […]

The Strengths of Using a Staffing Firm

It’s a common misconception that staffing firms are just for hiring temporary workers as “fill-ins”.  In today’s economic climate, however, there are many other excellent ways to utilize staffing firms. Countless businesses rely on staffing firms as strategic partners to keep their workforce as strong and efficient as possible. Here are just a few of […]