How to Properly List Work Experience on Your Resume

The work experience section of your resume is worthy of your careful attention. But what exactly should that part of your resume look like? And what will optimize its effectiveness? Keep one word in mind: relevance. How much, and which, work experience you include on your resume depends on where you are in your career […]

It’s Important to Make Sure Your Employees Feel Valued

Check the closest dictionary for the definition of “valued” and you’ll find something like this: “considered to be important or beneficial.” Or maybe “highly regarded or esteemed.” As a noun, value refers to “the regard that someone or something is held to; the importance or worth of someone or something.” And as a verb, to […]

Helpful Tips to Effectively Track Your Job Search

When you launch a job search, as with any important project or initiative, you need to set SMART goals: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time bound. Let’s focus on the M in SMART. You have no way of knowing how things are progressing – or not – unless you track them, so you can measure […]

Learn How to Determine Your Skills and Develop New Ones

Continuously improving your skillset can help you excel at your current job, or land your next great career opportunity. The perfect balance of hard and soft skills should be your end goal either way. Hard skills are specific capabilities you use to perform a job-related task. Examples include accounting, copywriting, data analysis, event planning, foreign […]

What Do Hiring Managers Love to Ask on Phone Interviews?

Often, one of the first steps in a company’s hiring process is a phone interview with candidates who have piqued their interest via their resumes and cover letters. This is generally a very high-level evaluation as recruiters screen for risks, try to validate your qualifications, and see if you’d be a good overall fit for […]

The Importance of Prioritizing Inclusion in Your Company

Diversity and belonging can’t be thought of merely as projects, initiatives, or fodder for a new task force. Those tactics are all great, but they’re temporary. Everyone in your organization plays a part in upholding your values, so your commitment to inclusion needs to be permanently embedded in your company culture. An inclusive culture fosters […]

How to Overcome Challenges of Working from Home

How’s your work-from-home situation going? There’s a good chance you’ve been at it for several months now. And while it has plenty of perks, the challenges remain. Plus, like everyone else, you’re just plain old tired of this pandemic and its restrictions. Try to stay positive and look at the bright side. And whether you […]

Taking Time Off During COVID-19 and Making the Most of It

If you’ve been working remotely during the Covid-19 pandemic, have you taken any time off? That doesn’t mean that “working from home/setting my own hours/letting the workday mush into the evening and weekend” schedule that you may have adopted as the months rolled on. There’s nothing wrong with that flexibility, of course. But, you could […]

Learn Tips for How to Show Empathy in the Workplace

“Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care.” These words from President Teddy Roosevelt ring true for all relationships, in and out of the workplace. Empathy is a vital leadership competency, one you want to encourage and develop in your managers and others. And it’s critical to solidifying good work […]