The Importance of Employee Engagement During the Holidays

It can be challenging to stay focused during the holidays. There’s a lot going on: shopping, entertaining or being entertained, cooking, baking, planning, decorating, traveling … in addition to trying to concentrate on work. In the midst of it all, how do you keep your employees engaged and productive as the year winds down? Start […]

Considering Temporary Work in Fresno, CA? Here are Some of the Benefits

With the holiday season approaching, you may be contemplating a temporary job. Or, maybe it has nothing to do with the time of year. You might want to gain additional experience in a particular field or industry, or prefer the smaller time commitment associated with a temporary position. Or, it may be a stepping stone […]

How to Fresno Job Seekers Improve Their Networking Skills

Office group

Networking has always been important when it comes to building your career. Today’s constantly interconnected world is no exception. Networking – both in person and online – enables you to build relationships with people from diverse backgrounds and industries, expand your knowledge, and often, get the inside track on new job opportunities before they are […]

Do You Know How to Confidently Navigate Hiring in Fresno During a Labor Shortage?

The job marketplace has evolved drastically in recent years, with the ball in candidates’ court more often than not. And even when candidates are plentiful, making the right hiring decision is a challenge. What’s an employer to do? Here are some suggestions: Know your hiring needs. Anticipate as many of your upcoming hiring needs as […]

How to Write a Standout Resume in Any Industry

Laptop search

The right resume can open the door to your future career. Often the first thing a hiring manager sees, it’s critical that your resume makes a good first impression – or it may also be the last. So, how can you make your resume stand out from the crowd? Know what an employer is looking […]

Strategies for Creating a Positive Company Culture

man on couch

Every organization has its own unique culture. And while to some degree, company culture develops naturally, there are also ways you can drive it in a direction that encourages positivity, engagement, loyalty, and a sense of everyone feeling like they belong. What does a positive company culture look like? A positive culture promotes employee success […]

Top 5 Job Opportunities in Fresno CA

Why live in Fresno, California? And, what kind of job opportunities are there if you did decide to make it your hometown? Fresno offers the advantages of big-city living, yet it has retained a small-town feel. Amenities like shopping, an amazing, diverse restaurant scene and world-class hospitals compliment farmers markets and fresh produce all year […]

Have You Been Unemployed for Longer Than You Expected?

Being unemployed for an extended period can be frustrating, depressing, and frankly, soul-gutting. It can lead you to doubt your abilities, your strengths, and if it’s too prolonged, your self-worth. Even if you’ve experienced a job loss due to factors outside your control, like the economic cutbacks that have been so prevalent in recent years, […]

The Challenges of Retaining Top Talent in a Competitive Job Market

In today’s competitive job market, retraining top talent is a significant challenge for virtually every business. Employers are constantly vying for a limited pool of highly skilled professionals who can essentially pick and choose where they work. Investing in smart retention strategies not only helps you keep your headcount strong and stable, but also leads […]

The Dos and Don’ts of Phone Interviews

Never underestimate the importance of a telephone interview. It’s much more than just a formality. Be excited and pat yourself on the back, because even getting this far in a potential employer’s hiring process is a victory. It means your resume has passed muster and yes, they’re interested in learning more about you. But, this […]