What Are the Most Valuable Job Skills of 2018?

Regardless of your chosen career field, having certain professional skills makes you a valuable entity in today’s job market. You need to demonstrate to potential future employers you have what it takes to keep them competitive given the complex technological, economic and social forces that impact their business. It all boils down to developing a […]

The Best Ways to Stay Productive While Unemployed

Being out of work is scary and even demoralizing. The loss of stability that comes with the end of a job can cause you to sink into despair if you’re not careful. Don’t lose hope! This may actually be a blessing in disguise. You could emerge with a better position and a higher chance of […]

Tips for Writing an Eye-Catching Job Posting

What does your job posting say about your company? The words you use matter and can make a big impact in terms of who responds. Crafting a compelling posting is like writing any other good advertisement: You need to know your audience, address them in a language they understand, and offer them what they want. […]

The Top 6 Skills You Need to be Successful in Customer Service

As noted in a recent report by the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) and the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, “businesses where employees have a positive service climate have customers who are more satisfied,” contributing toward “increased competitive financial performance for the company, often including a stronger market value.” So when employers hire […]

How to Become an Indispensable Employee

Any employee – in any department and at any level of an organization – can be indispensable. It’s not about power, title or position. It’s about being essential to the overall success of your team and your company. Being indispensable means your supervisor and co-workers count on you so much that, without you, productivity would […]

Do You Know Your True Hiring Needs?

Strategic staffing is an ongoing process. And you’re so busy each day that you may find yourself filling positions on a “must-have” basis, rather than stepping back to evaluate whether or not your company’s true hiring needs are being met. It happens to the best of HR pros. If you miscalculate staffing, you run the […]

Reasons to Choose PrideStaff Fresno When Looking for a Job

There are lots of agencies out there, and all are in the business of helping people find jobs. How do you decide which one to pick? A niche agency is one that knows your industry and has a robust client base in that field. If you’re searching for an administrative, customer service, IT, finance, legal […]

The Benefits of Pursuing a Skilled Trade Career

In today’s competitive world, you may think a college degree is a prerequisite to finding a good job and a stable career. Not always. For many, a career in a skilled trade is perfect – and equally lucrative and satisfying. And you can be working in the “real world” anywhere from six months to two […]

How to Determine the ROI of a New Employee

When you hire a new employee, you make a significant investment of time, money and resources. How do you know if you’ll realize a worthwhile return on those expenses? Hiring success is determined by the quality and performance of a new hire. Here are some barometers to gauge these factors: Percentage of goals and qualifications […]

Tips for Helping Employees Improve Accountability

Accountability means being responsible and answerable for your actions. When employers and employees are accountable to each other, employees can trust their work will be valued and rewarded appropriately. Accountability allows people to exercise autonomy and feel more invested in the company. This incites them to perform better, more creatively and more efficiently. Lead by […]